Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Research Importance Of Livestock Sub Sector In Kenya - 8800 Words
Research Importance Of Livestock Sub Sector In Kenya (Research Proposal Sample) Content: TOPIC: FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ADOPTION OF NEW MAIZE VARIETIES-CASE STUDY OF KIPKENYO WARD.BY: GROUP 3NAMEREG NOADHIAMBO NANCY KENYATTA SAR/0031/13CHEPCHOGE SANGA SHEILA SAR/0025/13CHEPCHUMBA MILKAHSAR/0045/13CHEPKORIR NELLY SAR/0024/13FRANCIS MICHIRISAR/0019/13WALTER MISULA SAR/0035 /13A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SUGAR TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF A BACHELOR DEGREE IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN MASINDE MULIRO UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDECLARATION AND RECOMMENDATIONTHIS RESEARCH PROPOSAL IS OUR ORIGINAL WORK AND HAS NOT BEEN PRESENTED FOR ANY AWARD IN ANY UNIVERSITY OR INSTITUITION TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE.NAMESIGNDATENANCY ADHIAMBO KENYATTA.CHEPCHOGE SANGA SHEILAHCHEPCHUMBA MILKAHCHEPKORIR NELLYFRANSIS MICHIRIWALTER MISULASupervisorThis research proposal has been present ed for examination with my approval as a university supervisorMr. Dickens OwinoSign.....Date..DEDICATIONWe dedicate this research proposal to our parents. They have given us a lot of moral and financial support thus enabling to successfully undertake and complete this activity.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTOur first acknowledgement goes to the almighty God for He reigns supreme in our lives, He has given us strength, knowledge and the ability to carry out this research.We also wish to acknowledge our supervisor, Mr. Dickens Owino for his constant support and all the great assistance we got from him in making this work a success. His guidance and direction has been of so much help in the entire process of writing the research proposal.We also thank our parents for their constant support and prayers.Finally, we wish to thank our friends their encouragement, assistance and support in the entire course of writing the research.It is very true to say that without the support of the above parties our pat h would not have been as smooth as it has been. God bless you so much.COPYRIGHTNo part of this research proposal may be reproduced or written without the consent of the authors in form of a written permission of Masinde Muliro University of Science And Technology on our behalf. Any violation of this copyright is punishable.AbstractMaize (Zea mays) remains one of the most important crops for food security in Kenya. Since many maize producing areas still experience periodic food shortages, production must be increased in order to ensure food security. The growing of improved maize seed varieties has been largely promoted by Agricultural Extension Services as one way to achieve increased production, however, the adoption of technologies associated with these varieties is still very low, resulting in low productivity. The purpose of this study is to investigate socioeconomic factors that influence adoption of new and improved maize varieties and technologies. These factors are: size of the farm, availability of credit, level of formal education and availability of extension services. This study will be carried out in Kipkenyo Ward. Secondary Data will be used in the study. The data will be analyzed using percentages, means, standard deviation, correlation and regression to achieve the stated objectives. Chi Square will be used to test Hypothesis at 5% level of significance. The study would be more significant to policy makers, research extension officers and farmers for improved and sustainable agriculture and rural development.Definition of termsABREVIATIONS1. KALRO-Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization2. NPBRC-National Plant Breeding Research Centre3. NCPB-National Cereals and Produce BoardTABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION AND APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOLEDGEMENTCOPYRIGHTABSTRACTCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.0 BACKGROUD OF THE STUDY1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES1.3 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY1.5 SCOPE1.6 ASSUMPTIO NS1.7 LIMITATIONCHAPTER TWO2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK2.2 EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK2.3 CRITISISM2.4 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKCHAPTER THREERESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 INTRODUCTION3.2 DESIGN OF THE STUDY3.3 TARGET POPULATION3.4 SAMPLING DESIGN AND PROCEDURES3.5 DATA COLLECTION3.6 DATA ANALYSIS.RESULTSREFERENCESCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYMaize is a major food crop in Kenya and dominates all food security considerations in the country. It accounts for more than 20% of all agricultural production and 25% of agricultural employment. Small holder farmers contribute more than 70% of the countrys maize. Commercial farmers also contribute significant portion of commercial maize. Because of the importance of maize to food security, the Kenyan Government has supported a maize breeding program that has released more than 20 modern maize varieties since 1955. The adoption of these improved maize varieties by large-scale and small-scale farmers in high and low potential ar eas has been slightly steady due to various major factors therefore increasing yield between 1963 and 1974. Between 1985 and1991, improved seed was adopted in low potential areas.In the last two decades, maize has had more success in adoption of new technologies that has increased smallholder maize production. In Africa the spread of new technologies has been more important for maize than other food crops. This could provide lessons for further increasing maize production. Assessing of farmers efficiency in maize is resulting in new technology adoption which also has some food security implication .Policy makers will therefore be advised on socio-economic, physical and technology variables that influence different variety adoption in order to raise the production efficiency and eventually farmers livelihoods.Kipkenyo Ward is located in the high potential agro ecological zone (more than 1800m above sea level). Rainfall ranges from 1200mm to 1800mm p.a. Rainfall is unimodal with disti nct peaks in April and August. The maize season is from April to November depending on variety .Soils are deep and well drained.1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMDespite the importance of maize to our economy in terms of income, production has not improved significantly over the years. KALRO has developed different maize varieties and released to farmers in order to improve production. Despite better performance of these new varieties in terms of yield, disease resistance and many other desirable characteristics the rate of adoption has been slow. This implies that new varieties have either not reached farmers or have not been adopted for various reasons.The study examines the socioeconomic factors that influence farmers adoption of improved maize varieties and analyses these factors that are relevant to the adoption process in Kipkenyo Ward.In this study we shall major on four factors namely size of the farm, Credit availability, level of formal education and availability Agricultural Ex tension Services and how they influence the adoption of new maize varieties in Kipkenyo Ward.1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.1. To identify socio-economic factors as well as demographic factors that influence adoption of new and improved maize varieties in Kipkenyo ward.2. To find out whether formal education influences the adoption of new maize varieties.3. To establish the effects of availability of Agricultural Extension Services on adoption of new maize varieties.1.3 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS1. Ho: Formal education has no influence on the adoption of new maize varieties.Hi: Formal education has influence on the adoption of new maize varieties.2. Ho: Contact with Agricultural Extension Officers does not influence adoption of new maize varieties.Hi: Contact with Agricultural Extension Officers influence adoption of new maize varieties.1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYThe findings of this study will be significant to;1. The academic fraternity as it will add to the body of knowledge and form a basis for the future research.2. Policy makers as it will provide useful information regarding the factors that influence adoption of improved maize varieties hence forming a background on policies concerning Agriculture.3. To highlight the limitation of the study.4. Agricultural extension research officers get to understand how to influence these factors affecting adoption in favor of the adoption process.1.5 SCOPEThe study will mainly focus on adoption of improved maize varieties in Kipkenyo Ward. Our data will rely on data that was collected since 2000. The target group will be all maize farmers growing one acre and above.1.6 ASSUMPTIONS1. All farmers farm have at least one acre of land.2. The population is homogenous with all farmers in the sa...
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